Mercury House
A destination public space: the redevelopment of Mercury House in Waterloo
The condition of Emma Cons Gardens has long been a poor representation of the values that the Old Vic was founded upon.
The redevelopment of Mercury House will allow for a rejuvenation of the gardens as a destination public space.
The new, varied, and vibrant uses proposed for Mercury House and the footfall generated will allow it and the Old Vic to act as book ends to the gardens.
A new space for the public with public attractions and public performances will reflect the vision of Emma Cons.
New and improved use of Mercury House increases footfall.
Activated frontages and increased use on the ground floor.
Activity spills out onto a rejuvenated Emma Cons garden.
New and varied public attractions within the public realm.
The gardens extend to the frontage of the Old Vic connecting the two buildings and creating a new vibrant destination.